
Plants vs zombies endless survival
Plants vs zombies endless survival

I've found that I need 2 umbrella leaves, one at the top and one at the bottom, to save my important plants from the vehicle zombie that flings stuff. I still have some 'hairy' moments but as my sun is often 7000-8000 I can usually rebuild whatever those pesky exploding zombies destroy on the next flag. Well after a solid month of banging my head off my keyboard, I've finally cracked it! My first attempt was 23 which I was very proud of until I read this page :P Finally got my set-up ticking over nicely. 0 Cobs require lots of explosives (including, generally, Ice-shroom and its imitater.) 2 Cobs don't require so many, and 4 Cobs rarely need any. Keep kneading your lawn into its final state.Ġ-4 Cobs generally follow a pattern similar to Draco's "Elegant" Setup, which can easily be found on Google Image. Remember to put in Twin Sunflowers in slots they'll be in your final setup.

plants vs zombies endless survival

Start planting AS MANY SUNFLOWERS AS POSSIBLE while still defending your home. Use Potato Mine on the first zombie, then start planting Cattails. Your first few flags should have at least 2 Cattails (even if you aren't planning to have any in your final setup), just because they're so awesome at taking out zombies. For setup, for the first stage, bring Sunflower and its Imitater, Potato Mine, Lily Pad, Twin Sunflower, some other instant (such as Cherry Bomb or Squash), and a few plants to get your build going. Oh, I forgot to mention something in my previous comment. The perks are that I don't have to worry about Zombonis or Catapulters or imps or dolphins or even at this stage, jack-in-the-boxes! I have 4 cob cannons after a massive mid game renovation, lazy me, then with my current setup, even Giga Gargantuars die before they become much of a nuisance.

plants vs zombies endless survival plants vs zombies endless survival

So my current setup uses lots of gloom shrooms and fume shrooms and surprisingly minimal outer row (1 and 6) attack type plants. I personally like a more automated(minimal cob cannon) setup, because then I don't need to rely too heavily on something I can make a fatal mistake on.

plants vs zombies endless survival

No offense, but this 20 Cob Cannon Setup is the best, check it out: Just so long as a setup lasts (about 200 flags is what I consider a pretty sufficient test), I wouldn't say that any setup's "better." I guess one that's easier to use is better, but other than that, how would you define better?

Plants vs zombies endless survival